Hello everyone and thank you for your kinds words over the past few months.
We have had a few customers asking if our prices are going up as the silver prices have continued to climb. Looking at the graphs below, I am hoping they won’t stay that way for too long, but it’s anyone’s guess.
We have had stock arrive today, and I can see that those prices have increased, but the majority of the items we carry, we have had for quite some months and even years, so those items will remain at their original prices until they have to be reordered.
Looking around the old interweb, stories put quite a frightening tale to the silver price and what could be.
It’s certainly been a strange first half of the year for everyone on planet Earth, and for some the disease continues to wreak havoc. Please take care and of course, let us know if we can ever help.
(Except financially, as I am a little skint right now)